Date Selection Page of the Integration Wizard — Open Plan

Use this page to select the date field from the schedule.

The date field is used when updating Cobra baseline and forecast dates. In addition, the date field selected filters the code fields that are available when mapping key fields and code assignments.

This page displays when you are importing project data.


Field Description
Load budget resource assignments

Click this check box if you want to import budget resource assignments. This field is enabled only if you select Resource assignments on the Action Selection page of the Integration wizard.

Load forecast resource assignments

Click this check box if you want to import forecast resource assignments. This field is enabled only if you select Resource assignments on the Action Selection page of the Integration wizard.

Schedule Date Fields

Field Description
Baseline Dates

This field is enabled when you select Control Accounts and Work Packages on the Action Selection page of the Integration wizard.

When importing activity data without resource assignments, select one of the following options in the drop-down list:

  • <Do Not Load>
  • Baseline Dates
  • Schedule Dates
  • Early Dates
  • Late Dates

If you select Baseline Dates, the Baseline field is enabled. Click to select a baseline date in the Open Plan project.

If you select Load budget resource assignments, only Schedule and Baseline Dates are displayed in the Baseline Dates field because these are the only fields that resource spreads can be derived from. If the Resource Assignment check box is cleared, all dates are displayed.

If you select <Do Not Load> as the baseline date and <Do Not Load> as the pending date, and you did not select the Load forecast resource assignments check box, you cannot proceed to the next page. You must either select a different option for the Baseline Dates drop-down list, the Pending Dates drop-down list, or select the Load forecast resource assignments check box to proceed.

If you select <Do Not Load> as the baseline date and you select the Load forecast resource assignments check box, only the forecast resource assignments are imported. The baseline dates are not changed.

Pending Dates This drop-down list is enabled if your project contains classes with pending dates and the Load budget resource assignments check box is selected, or if the Load budget resource assignments check box is cleared. This allows you to update the pending dates even if you are not loading resource assignments.
Select one the following options in the drop-down list:
  • <Do Not Load>
  • Schedule Dates
  • Baseline Dates
  • Early Dates
  • Late Dates

If you select <Do Not Load> as the pending date, Cobra will load classes that do not have pending dates. In this case, the Default budget class lookup dialog box on the Resource Assignments page of the Integration wizard will only display classes that do not have pending dates.

If you select Baseline Dates, the Baseline field is enabled. Click to select a baseline date in the Open Plan project.

If you specify a project template when creating a new project, Cobra will check the project template and see if it contains classes with pending dates. If the project template contains classes with pending dates, the Pending Dates drop-down list is enabled.

If you are creating a new project but did not specify a project template, the Pending Dates drop-down list is disabled.

Forecast Dates

This field is enabled only when you select Load forecast resource assignments. Use this field to define where the forecast dates and resource spread are derived from.

Select one of the following options in the drop-down list:

  • Baseline Dates
  • Schedule Dates

If you select Baseline Dates, the Baseline field is enabled. Click to select a baseline date in the Open Plan project.